Notice of Members Network Shut Down

Dear valued members of the Indigenous Climate Hub Members Network,

We regret to inform you that the Indigenous Climate Hub Members Network will officially shut down on July 19, 2024. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of our patrons who have supported and engaged with our community throughout the years. Your participation has been invaluable.

In the evolving landscape of social media and digital learning platforms, we recognize the need to adapt to more innovative and impactful approaches. This transition allows us to foster deeper connections and more engaging learning experiences. In this spirit of innovation, we are excited to announce the launch of the Indigenous Climate Hub Podcast.

Introducing the Indigenous Climate Hub Podcast

Hosted by Drs. Shyra and Rye Barberstock, the Indigenous Climate Hub Podcast will delve into environmental stories and the impacts of climate change from a uniquely Indigenous perspective. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Local Stories, Broad Insights: Explore stories close to home, sharing important observations, considerations, and insights happening in our own backyard. Our podcast will expand this knowledge to include the geographies of many Indigenous Peoples and communities across Turtle Island.
  • Critical Environmental Lens: We will critically examine environmental thriving and challenges, along with discussions on ecology and biodiversity through Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe perspectives. We’ll also invite guests from the broader Indigenous community to bring diverse insights, realities, and aspirations regarding climate change adaptation and mitigation.
  • Informative and Entertaining Content: Our aim is to create thoughtful content that encourages consideration for the land, water, and natural resources which sustain us all. The podcast is meant to be both informative and entertaining, sparking curiosity and respect for the environment.

Follow us on social media to stay informed on the launch of our upcoming podcast (expected launch – Fall 2024).

Join Us on This New Journey

We encourage you to tune into our podcast and actively engage with the content. If you have a story about interesting Indigenous peoples or communities that are working towards climate change resilience, we invite you to reach out to us using our Contact Page. Your contributions could be featured in our upcoming episodes.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We look forward to sharing these enriching stories with you and continuing our collective journey towards a sustainable future.

Stay tuned, stay informed, and stay connected.

In friendship,

The Indigenous Climate Hub Team

What Was the Indigenous Climate Hub Members Network?

The Indigenous Climate Members Network was first launched in 2019 and was shut down on Friday, July 19, 2024. It was created for Indigenous Peoples, communities and organizations to share Indigenous climate change news, projects, and initiatives. Similar to popular social media websites, you could network and connect with other online members, share news articles and resources on climate change, and join and participate in online groups and forums. What made this online network unique is that it was 100% dedicated to addressing the climate change challenges faced by Indigenous communities in Canada. Our members included: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, climate change leaders, Knowledge Keepers and Elders, and community members—all working towards climate change adaptation in Indigenous communities. By sharing, connecting, and collaborating, we aimed to take on climate change challenges as a collective.