Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) leads the national knowledge assessment process, Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action. The first product of the current assessment process, Canada’s Changing Climate Report, was released in April 2019. The Prairie Provinces chapter is the first chapter of the Regional Perspectives Report to be released, which will be followed in 2021 by the National Issues Report, other Regional Perspectives chapters, and the Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate Report.
The Prairies Regional Adaptation Collaborative (PRAC) is pleased to host representatives from NRCan and the team of authors of the Prairie Provinces chapter to share an overview of the national assessment process and to discuss the key messages from the chapter, which focuses on shifting ecosystems, extreme weather events, water management, agriculture, social considerations, and adaptation planning.
- Fiona Warren, Knowledge Assessment Manager, Natural Resources Canada
- Dave Sauchyn, Director, Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative and Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Regina
- Elaine Wheaton, Adjunct Professor, University of Saskatchewan and Emeritus Researcher, Saskatchewan Research Council
- Debra Davidson, Professor, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, University of Alberta
- Kendra Isaac, Manager of Adaptation, Alberta Environment and Park
- Mark Johnson, Senior Research Scientist, Saskatchewan Research Council