Event hosted by Reconciling Ways of Knowing (see details below):
Join us on October 26 for the next in our series of online dialogues, “Stewarding Our Marine Relations.”
After a number of Dialogues focused on land-use planning and stewarding our relations in land-based environments, we’re pleased to dedicate our next Reconciling Ways of Knowing: Indigenous Knowledge and Science Dialogue to planning and stewardship in marine- or ocean-based environments.
We hope you can join us for this dialogue on Tuesday, October 26 at 10:00 am Pacific / 12:00 am Central / 2:00 pm Atlantic (for approximately two hours).
Moderator Saul Brown (award-winning Haíɫzaqv and Nuu-chah-nulth researcher on marine stewardship and governance) will facilitate a conversation amongst Nang Jingwas Russ Jones (marine scientist, Haida Hereditary Chief, and Manager of Marine Planning for the Haida Nation), Dr. Sm’hayetsk Teresa Ryan (Tsimshian marine scientist and resource management expert), and Dr. Anne Salomon (a marine ecologist and Professor, Resource & Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University) to discuss how we can address challenges in marine planning and restore balance in our important shared marine ecosystems.
The Dialogue will look at the consequences of a reductionist scientific approach to resource management for the wellbeing of fish and fisheries – looking at Pacific herring as a particularly instructive example, amongst others – as well as the well-being of marine ecosystems and Peoples. It will explore how the stewardship knowledges and practices of coastal Indigenous Peoples, collaborative marine-use planning, and applied marine ecology are needed to restore balance in our relations with the marine ecosystems, restoring their former abundance and our mutual ability to survive and thrive into the future.
Follow this link to read the panellists bios.
After hearing from the panellists, Saul Brown will first turn to our RWoK Convenors Miles Richardson, OC, Dr. Nancy Turner and Dr. David Suzuki for their reflections, and then to attendees like yourself for your thoughts and questions for the speakers.
Please register today to participate in this important conversation.
Other key info
This event is ticketed to cover the costs of organizing and hosting. Tickets are available for $10 per person, or for anyone able to contribute at a higher level to support our organizing efforts, we are providing a $25 and $50 registration option to help support our organizing efforts. Thank you for your support.
(Information source: All text sourced directly from Reconciling Ways of Knowing. Please see event website to register or for more information on this event).