Climate Change Library and Resources Page

Below is a sample of listings available in the library database.

Indigenous Climate Change Resource Guides

Climate change is affecting all of us. Finding the tools to adapt to these changes is becoming increasingly more important. First Nations peoples in Canada are significantly affected by climate change because of where we live and how we continue to rely on the environment for economic and cultural success. Community planning is an important tool for First Nations to use to adapt to changes in the environment, plan for the needs of their community and build a healthy society and culture. These six Guidebooks ‘walk and talk’ a First Nation through the planning process. Each develops an important part of the planning process and is a precursor to the next guidebook. They contain: suggestions of how a First Nation might plan for climate change, how to involve the community, and activities that a First Nation can use to involve members of the community to set priorities and achieve them. Visit each guidebook link to review the guidebook(s) of interest to you.

The Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCIAR) developed in partnership with Georgina Island First Nation the Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning Framework. This planning tool contains components of vulnerability and risk assessment, in the context of Traditional knowledge to inform adaptation options. Led by a Community Adaptation Liaison, the seven-step framework walks a community through the climate change adaptation process:       

  1. Let’s get started: This initial stage identifies why the project team is undertaking the adaptation planning process. The project also discusses what they would like to see at the end of the process and set goals and objectives to guide them there.
  2. Gather data: This phase incorporates Indigenous knowledge from the community, gathers past historical data, and works in future climate projections.
  3. Current vulnerability: This step incorporates data from the previous step to develop a list of vulnerabilities within the community.
  4. Prioritize future risk: This step develops a list of possible future climate conditions, estimates risk based on the severity and likelihood of an event to occur, conducts a risk evaluation, and communicates results.
  5. Identify adaptation actions: In this step, the project team identifies what actions are needed to reduce the risks identified in the previous phase. Starting with the highest priority risks, the team comes up with a list of adaptation actions. The team also puts forth a timeframe to implement, cost to implement and maintain, and community acceptability.
  6. Implement adaptation actions: the project team comes up with a plan outlining when and how adaptation actions will be implemented, who will implement them, and what resources (e.g. human, and financial resources) will be needed.
  7. Monitor progress: This final stage puts in place measures to follow-up on adaptation actions and makes changes where necessary. It is also used to report on progress, and evaluate success.

First Nations Infrastructure Resilience Toolkit (2018)

The Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation, in collaboration with Engineers Canada, Stantec, and Risk Sciences International, developed a tool to help First Nation communities to assess the vulnerability of their infrastructure, buildings, and facilities due to extreme weather. It allows to forecast the most critical risks over the lifecycle of these assets and provides guidance in establishing sound asset management practices. Three First Nations in Ontario have tested the toolkit to ensure its viability for future use: Mohawks of Akwesasne, Onaida Nation of the Thames, and Moose Cree First Nation. Training sessions are currently being offered to Ontario First Nation communities on how to use the toolkit.  To obtain a copy of the First Nations Infrastructure Resilience Toolkit, please contact [email protected].

The First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute produced a guide to help First Nation communities independently develop a climate change adaptation strategy. The guide is divided in five steps:

  1. Community engagement – project team
  2. Vulnerability assessment
  3. Adaptation plan
  4. Monitoring progress
  5. Communication

The Partners in Protection is an Alberta-based non-profit organization that developed a manual to give communities the information and tools they need to address fire protection issues. The manual is divided in three sections:

Theme 1: Assess the situation

Theme 2: Resolve existing problems

Theme 3: Avoid future problems

The Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources developed guidance material for First Nations to take action on watershed planning. These guidebooks proposal a model of watershed planning that is led by First Nations and creates an opportunity to address unique First Nation needs, relationships and rights. These guidebooks aim to support increased First Nations’ involvement in regional watershed planning processes. The guidebooks are divided in five sections:

  1. Getting started
  2. Describing your approach: know yourself
  3. Knowing your watershed: all our relations
  4. Achieving consensus on the plan: design the plan
  5. Bringing the plan to life: follow through

The Rockies Institute and the All One Sky Foundation developed a guidance document to support communities in weaving Indigenous Knowledge with scientific data that will help them identify and respond to climate change impacts. The guide is divided in five sections:

  1. Awareness building: pre-workshops sessions to bring the community together and build climate change awareness.
  2. Knowledge gathering: reciprocal knowledge sharing on climate change and traditional views, perceived risks and opportunities; and co-development of a Draft Local Early Action Plan (LEAP).
  3. Community engagement and validation: follow-up engagement to build on the draft plan with a wide range of community members; and validation of traditional knowledge weaving and proposed priorities by knowledge holders in the community.
  4. Implementation of adaption priorities: As identified through the process.
  5. Iterative learning: on-going process of refinement as circumstances change and the plan is built upon.

Depuis quelques années, les projets réalisés par l’Institut de développement durable des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador (IDDPNQL) ont permis de constater que les Premières Nations sont particulièrement touchées par les changements climatiques. Ce guide de mise en place d’un plan d’adaptation aux changements climatiques arrive à point. Dans une époque où plusieurs rapports scientifiques démontrent le besoin imminent d’agir, il importe de définir des stratégies d’adaptation face aux aléas climatiques observés et prévus sur les territoires des Premières Nations. Les impacts sont désormais tangibles : les hivers plus doux rendent les déplacements plus risqués, les tempêtes se font plus fortes et imprévisibles qu’auparavant et les périodes de chasse, de trappe, de pêche et de cueillette doivent être modifiées. Il est d’ailleurs de plus en plus difficile de se fier aux savoirs traditionnels pour identifier les saisons.

Climate Change Adaptation and Monitoring Resource Listings

Métis Climate Change Adaptation and Monitoring Tools and Resources

Métis Nation Environment Knowledge Place

Inuit Climate Change Adaptation and Monitoring Tools and Resources

Coming Soon

Canadian Climate Change Adaptation and Monitoring Tools and Resources

The Rockies Institute

Water Rangers: Water Quality

Community Based Environmental Monitoring Network

A Guide Book on Climate Scenarios: Using Climate Information to Guide Adaptation Research and Decisions.

Sky Watchers: Weather Learning Stations. Environment and Climate Change Canada: Weather, Air Pressure, Wind.

Report an Invasive Species. Canadian Council on Invasive Species: Invasive species

turalist: Vegetation, Animals, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mollusks, Ray-finned fishes, Fish, Arachnids, Insects, Fungi, Chromistas, Protozoans

iNaturalist: Biodiversity Guide

PlantWatch / Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Plant Phenology Protocol. NatureWatch – Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN): Vegetation

Bumble Bee Watch: Bumble Bees

Bird Volunteer Monitoring programs. Bird Studies Canada: Bird population and diversity

Monarch Watch: Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Tagging

eButterfly: Butterflies

Worm Watch. NatureWatch – Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN): Earthworms

Frog Watch. NatureWatch – Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN): Amphibians (Frogs/Toads)

Handbook for Community-Based Sea Ice Monitoring. National Snow and Ice Data Center: Snow depth, Sea Ice Thickness, Water Depth

IceWatch / Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Ice Phenology Monitoring Protocol. NatureWatch – Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN): Ice (Lakes and Rivers)

Biodiversity Management & Climate Change Adaptation

A New Framework For Using Climate Scenario Data For Impacts And Assessment Studies

Provincial/Territorial Climate Change Adaptation and Monitoring Resources

British Columbia

BC Climate Action ToolKit

British Columbia (BC) Cetacean Sightings Network. Ocean Wise and Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO): Cetaceans, Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises, Sea turtles

BC Cetaceans Sightings Network 

BC Cetaceans Species Identification

Adaptation and Climate Impacts Information (British Columbia)

Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines for Sea Dikes and Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use (British Columbia)

Archive Automated Snow Weather Station Data (British Columbia)

Archive Manual Snow Survey Data (British Columbia)

Climate Action Intiative: British Columbia Agriculture and Food

BC Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Risk + Opportunity Assessment

BC Air Data Archive Website

The BC Climate Explorer

Air Quality Monitoring and Meterological Data (British Columbia)

Adapting to Climate Change: A Risk-based Guide for local Governments in British Columbia Workbook and Case Studies


Lake Watch. University of Alberta: Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Secchi Disk Transparency, Chlorophylla 

Indigenous Lake Monitoring Program. Alberta Government: Water Chemistry

Alberta Ecotrust: Alberta Climate Connect

The History of Climate in Alberta and Effects of Climate Change on Alberta’s Watersheds


Coming Soon


Manitoba and Climate Change: Praire Climate Centre From Risk to Resilience

Climate Change Connection: Connecting Manitobans to Climate Change Facts and Solutions


Ontario Turtle Tally. Toronto Zoo. Turtles

Ontario Lake Partner Program. The Dorset Environmental Science Centre: Phosphorus, Water Clarity

Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network. The Dorset Environmental Science Centre: Aquatic Benthic Invertebrates (water quality)

Watching, Listening, and Learning to Understand Change: Developing a Community-Based Monitoring Initiative in Ontario’s Far North. Source: Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS): Rain, Snow, and Ice, Precipitation


Coming Soon

Atlantic Canada

Groundswell: Community-Based Groundwater Monitoring. Ecology Action Centre, Nova Scotia: Groundwater

Guide to Writing a Water Quality Monitoring Plan. Source: Community Based Environmental Monitoring Network (Saint Mary’s University, Nova Scotia)

New Brunswick Environmental Network

Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on the Mi’kmaq Communities of the Bras d’Or Lakes

Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavut

The Avativut Project Videos. The Avativut Project, Université Laval: Berries

The Avativut Project Videos. The Avativut Project, Université Laval: Sea Ice

Water Management: Monitoring Resources. Government of Northwest Territories: Water Quality

Northern Waters: A guide to Designing and Conducting Water Quality Monitoring in Northern Canada. Northern Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN-North): Water Quality (Fresh & Marine Water)

Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)

Community-Based Monitoring and Indigenous Knowledge in a Changing Arctic: A Review for the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks. Source: Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)

Nunavut Climate Change Centre

Inuit Circumpolar Council – Climate Change

Arctic Institute of Community-based Research: For Northern Health and Well-Being – Climate Change Adaptation

Tracking Change (includes information on the Mackenzie River Basin, Northwest Territories)

Pathway to Better Monitoring in Canada’s North. Source: Northwest Territories Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program