Impacts of Climate Change

As the climate changes, traditional practices, governance, economic development, and infrastructure within First Nations will be impacted.

It is expected that First Nations will experience the impacts of climate change in ways that most non-Indigenous Canadians will not, due to heavy reliance on the environment, their locations, their economic situations; First Nations, similar to other natural resource dependent communities depend on the environment for subsistence, maintenance of culture, and other important aspects of their livelihoods.

Our ancestors taught us how to adapted to a changing environment. We have always found a way to live in harmony with nature through our cultural teachings

As for most societies, First Nations social structures are in part built around the traditions of food, spirituality, and medicine. However, for most First Nations, the activities of hunting, fishing, gathering, and the fruits of this labour continue to be important components of their cultures and traditions. Oral history and oral tradition allow common experiences to be shared and passed through generations. Sharing customary foods through traditional ceremonies strengthens the bonds amongst families and communities.